Many drivers may not know where their cabin filter is located or its importance, it’s essential to maintain your car’s air. Typically hidden in the glovebox or near the engine bay, the cabin filter is essential for maintaining the air quality inside your vehicle. It captures various debris such as brake dust, soot, pollen, leaves, and hair. When you use your vehicle’s heater or air conditioner, the air circulating through the vents passes through this filter.
Over time, the filter accumulates debris and must be replaced regularly to keep the air inside your car clean and fresh. Despite its importance, many car owners overlook the cabin filter until they experience issues such as obstructed airflow, mold buildup, or unpleasant odors. Maintaining a clean cabin filter is crucial not only for comfort but for ensuring a healthy environment for passengers.
Experts recommend replacing the cabin filter every 10,000-15,000 kilometers or roughly every nine to twelve months, though this can vary based on driving conditions. For example, frequent driving through dusty areas might require more frequent replacements.
Checking the filter’s condition is a part of routine maintenance. In our shop, we assess it by shining a light through it; if sufficient light passes through, the filter is still effective. If not, it should be replaced. Note that routine checks for cabin filters may not be standard at all service centers. So it’s very wise to request this service.
Cabin filters generally cost between $30 and $100, depending on your vehicle’s make and model. Regularly checking and replacing the filter can significantly improve your car’s air, making it smell fresh and clean. This enhances both comfort and health for everyone inside.
The Car Magazine
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