The article writer says: “While vacationing in Bar Harbor, Maine, I developed an interest in license plates from across the United States. Bar Harbor’s status as a tourist destination meant seeing plates from various states and even Canadian provinces. Notably, a local establishment had a wall adorned with American license plates, revealing a shared fascination with these symbols of regional identity.
I discovered that many states have unique slogans on their plates. For instance, New York’s plates feature “Excelsior,” which means “ever upward” in Latin and includes images like Niagara Falls and the Statue of Liberty. Florida’s “Sunshine State” and New Jersey’s “Garden State” reflect their climates and landscapes, while Maine’s plates proclaim “Vacationland” and “A Natural Treasure,” emphasizing its appeal as a travel destination.
Other plates had slogans related to historical and cultural aspects. North Carolina’s “First In Flight” honors the Wright brothers’ first flight, and Ohio’s “The Birthplace Of Aviation” pays tribute to them as well. Massachusetts’ “The Spirit of America” reflects its historical significance, and Indiana’s plates with “I’d Rather Be Down The Shore” capture regional preferences.
Some slogans were particularly striking. New Hampshire’s “Live Free Or Die,” a motto from Revolutionary War hero General John Stark, and Washington D.C.’s “End Taxation Without Representation” highlight significant historical and political issues. D.C. residents face unique challenges, including lack of congressional representation despite paying substantial taxes.
In contrast, Ontario’s plate slogan “Yours To Discover” reflects its appeal to tourists, though there were attempts to change it to “Open For Business.” This exploration of license plates provided insight into the diverse identities and values across different regions.”
The Car Magazine
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